
International Advisors is an independent firm specialized in the achievement of compensation that, after suffering a traffic accident, You can apply having been a victim of it.

Both in the case of material damage, Damage caused to persons as a result of the accident, or, whether there have been injuries and even a death following a road traffic accident, Our Attorneys Will Fight to Get the Highest Possible Compensation for Our Client.

We act independently of the insurers involved in the accident.

Due to our lack of links with insurers, We guarantee the absolute defense of your interests without taking into account the possible economic agreements of the insurance companies, including your own, this will allow you to be sure that we only look after your interests.

You should know that your insurer can cover all of our fees in charge of the legal aid policy included in your insurance policy. Contact us.

We can fully process your complaint free. We are experts in achieving Maximum compensation.

Both in the case of an outrage, or if you have suffered an accident on public transport, You have the right to claim compensation.

If you have been the victim of an accident, We can achieve the maximum possible compensation.

We serve you, among others, in cases such as the following:

  • Compensation for pedestrian collision
  • Compensation for accidents on public transport
  • Compensation for cyclist accident
  • Compensation for traffic accidents as a passenger
  • Compensation for traffic accident as a driver

Our recommendation is that you go to the office without wasting time. We will advise you on the viability of your claim and the possible amount of your claim.

In International Advisors We will deal with your case first in the preliminary phase seeking an agreement with the insurers, if it is not satisfactory for our client, we will act before the Courts defending your rights.

INTERNATIONAL ADVISORS looks after your interests.

Since 1990 Customer Service